Friday, November 10, 2006

deep thoughts

Who likes getting sick? I know I don't. Well around my house we've been dealing with sickness. However, This time it's not me. Both my wife and daughter have been sick this week and it's been really tough. Sometimes it's just as hard to watch somebody be sick than to actually be sick yourself. I've experienced that this week when I look at my 3 month old daugther.

I look at my sweet girl that is struggling with a cold and battling with chest congestion, and it just makes my heart sink to watch her get choked up and have moments where she has to fight to catch her breath. I tell you what, if I could take away that sickness, I would.

How I look at my daughter gives me a glimpse into how God must look at you and me. The more I'm around my child, I grow in my understanding of how much God must love me and care for me. The difference, however, is that God is not powerless in my life to deal with my sickness. In my life, it's the overscheduling of my time and bitter attitude that I show others that open the door for sickness of the heart. God knows that about me, and chooses to love me anyway. Chose to offer me Jesus, to help remove my sickness.

I thank God everyday for my daughter and the insights that life with her provides.

talk to you guys later,



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