Sunday, November 19, 2006


I've spent my entire life being very independent. Maybe you can relate? As a child, I always wanted to be out, moving, going, doing, being, etc. I was that kid that loved going on trips and vacations. It was really convenient for my dad that I liked to travel. My dad was and still is a workaholic. And truthfully, I appreciate his hard work, because it provided for a very nice life for our family. However, when I was really young, my dad's job was moving people. He worked for one of those companies that owned a fleet of really big semi trucks, and you hired them to move your stuff from one place to the other. So, my dad was on the road alot. I remember spending alot of time as a child, going on these trips with my dad. Luckily for him, I loved driving and traveling, seeing new places and meeting new people. It was a great way for him and I to spend time together.

I'm definitely a little older now, and I still love traveling. I love being off and going, doing, being, blah, blah, blah. But there's something different now. When I was a kid, I had such a great time on the trips, that I didn't care if we ever went home. Now that I'm older, it doesn't take me nearly as long to miss home.

Just the other day, I was in Southern California. It was a neat trip. I had never been there before, and it had so much to see that I had never seen or experienced before. But after I was out there for about 3 days, I started to him home. Now, you might be thinking, "oh, well, Jeremy you were just missing the comfort of you bed...or you were just missing your house." I think it was that I was missing my home.

Home is a state of mind, and a state of heart. I missed my home that included my wife. After three days of not having her to talk to face to face...I was missing something I needed. After three days of not seeing or holding my little girl...I was missing something I needed. I missed being able to go out to eat at the local restaurant and be greeted by familiar faces. I missed my friends and life I share with them. I did miss my bed, and I did miss my dog Sam, but more than the things in my life that I missed, I missed the people and the relationships that make my life a "home."

I'll still get to travel alot in the future, I'll still love to go, go, go. But I'm finding that my heart needs home so much more than it used to. I think that this is just one more way that God is growing me and teaching me what is important in life. I pray that I will always be as sensitive to the relationships around me as I am right now.


Proverbs 27:7-9
7 A person who is full refuses honey, but even bitter food tastes sweet to the hungry.
8 A person who strays from home is like a bird that strays from its nest.
9 The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense


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